Paragraph on Unity is Strength


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The phrase, “Unity is Strength”, is more than just a proverb. It has been proven since the beginning of mankind. When divided, individuals have failed in achieving what they had aspired. But together, they have been able to conquer a lot more. Take a look at your local history. You will surely notice how groups of people have stood for a certain cause, and because of their strength, their fight has had a powerful effect. Unity is Strength implies that if we stand together we shall always be stronger mentally, physically and emotionally. As Mattie Stepanek elaborated, “Unity is Strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved”. Unity is strength means staying united in all situations. It has a great value in all walks of life. When we are united then we can surmount any challenges and accomplish any goal. The development of our society and country depends on this spirit. In fact civilization came into existence because of the unity among people. In order to lead a peaceful and fulfilling life, it is very important for people to stay united. Unfortunately, this word unity has become confined to motivational and inspirational talks. People in this world are so blinded by power and success that they want to be ahead of their relatives, colleagues and friends. They get into personal and professional rivalries with each other most of the times. They do not understand that they can move ahead and enhance their skills if they share their knowledge and help each other. When we go against our own team members and begin to compete with them in an office setting, people from the other teams or departments benefit from the situation.

Another reason why people fall apart is because of mistrust. This is especially true when it comes to a husband and wife relationship. Couples are often seen doubting each other. They question each other for the smallest of things and doubt them of cheating or lying. Many times outsiders take advantage of the situation. They fuel the doubt and create conflict between the two to fulfil their own selfish motives. This does not only have a negative impact on the two but also on their kids. If the husband and wife stay united and defend each other no one can create a rift between them. Unity is an important factor even within a family and social group. Family members, who stick together and support each other, tend to have lasting bonds. This enables them to solve each other's problems in a valuable manner. If there is no unity in friendship, cracks begin to form in the foundation and could potentially lead to misunderstandings. French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, believed that “There are only two forces that unite men - fear and interest.” However, the term interest, here, is roughly used. People can be united because of their need for a sense of belonging, which has nothing to do with common interests. They could also be united because of a shared history or past, as is the case with citizens of a nation. A lot of social groups have been able to get desired results because they stand united. Their attempts are directed towards a single goal, which increases the chances of success. In many families, brothers and sisters fight with each other and develop rivalry. This often happens due to the division of property or family business. In such a case, the outsiders take advantage of the situation and end up grabbing a large share. If the siblings stand united they shall be able to grow the business better with their joint efforts and skills.

The proverb does not only hold good when it comes to professional and personal relationships but also for the society and nation as a whole. The localities and societies where people stay united are loved by all. People living here meet and greet their neighbours with smile, help each other out in crises, guard their neighbour’s house when they are away and are always ready to help one another. They celebrate all the functions together and conduct other social gatherings every now and then. In today’s times, when most people are suffering from loneliness and depression such a neighbourhood can be a boon. It is also good for the all round development of the kids who often feel lonely in the nuclear family system. The chances of thefts and robberies in such societies are also low. Same goes for the nation as a whole. If we stop fighting over trivial matters among ourselves, we can never grow stronger as a nation. Similarly, various nations around the globe are busy fighting with each other in order to prove they are better than the other. Today, every nation has nuclear weapons, so many terrorist organizations have been formed and there are so many corrupt people trying to pull each other down. People are living in constant fear. If we stop all these mal-practices and become united the world would become a much better place to live. India’s freedom struggle is one of the best examples of “Unity is Strength”. The British government used the policy of divide and rule to strengthen its ground in India. But the citizens of the country soon understood this manipulation tactic. They all stood together and drove the British out of the country.

Factors like trust, encouragement, understanding and love help maintain unity among people. As long as good thoughts motivate people, they will stand united and be stronger for it. The moment there is a weak link in the group, everything collapses. Remember to stand tall against all hardships. There is no doubt about the fact that our strength lies in unity. Several stories as well as real life incidences have proved the same in the past. We must thus follow the path of unity. We should think beyond petty interests and work united for much broader goals of bringing prosperity and progress in our society and country.